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Immune Dysfunction, Infections

Causes & Contributing Factors

Cancer and cancer treatments can directly impair the function of the immune system (e.g. damaging or decreasing the number of white blood cells), which increases inflammation and the risk of infections. If this happens, the body has to work harder (use more energy) to control the inflammation, repair the immune system, and fight infections.


Bower J, Nat Rev Clin Oncol, 2014; Mortimer et al., J Nat Comp Cancer Network, 2010; O’Higgins et al., Support Care Cancer, 2018; Thong et al., Curr Treat Options Oncol, 2020; Tian et al., Oncologist, 2016; Uslu and Canbolat, Sem Oncol Nursing, 2021; Wan, X. Clin J Oncol Nursing, 2008

Hormone Imbalances


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